GépjárműTechnika Műszaki Szakértői Iroda Kft.
8900 Zalaegerszeg, Falumúzeum u. 17.
00:Database content: (Click on the link for detailed informations.)
identification of the substance producing 583, thousands of the type, lots of photos and text information! (February 2025.)
- the database is constantly expanding because of the continuous development and research,
- pictures about vehicles identification signs (vehicle identification numbers and engine numbers, and their repeats, manufacturer's plates, production numbers, chassis numbers, barcodes etc.),

- it includes the identification data of the types of processed engines (cylinder capacity, power),
- pictures about the location of vehicles identification signs (vehicle identification numbers and engine numbers, and their repeats, manufacturer's plates etc.),

- there are pictures about the joints and joint of plates of the metal plate of the vehicle identification number,

- it includes vehicles from the post socialist countries (Trabant, Polski Fiat, Lada etc.)
- there are pictures about instrument board, passenger cab and keys,
- it includes vehicles of various types manufactured before the nineties,
- partial or complete characters of vehicle identification numbers or engine numbers the pictures of which perfectly show the form of the stamped characters.
The database is not complete because of the ever developing vehicle manufactures. More and more types of vehicles show up with variable characters of vehicle identification number.
Besides processing the present data base we are continuously following the changes of the vehicles and we are updating our customers.
Further targets:
- Creating a database that contains the largest possible number of cars.
- By improving the quality and the details we are creating a strong basis for a more effective and less time consuming decision making.
- By inserting the character catalog we fully integrate the vehicle identification database.
Program information:
- The update is continuous on server so the full database is always available.
- The whole list of models visible on top of side.
Legal declaration:
The software in the vehicle identification as an ingredient can be used, we don't vouche a responsibility for consequences originating from the use of his data!
The software and its every single part are property of the
GépjárműTechnika Műszaki Szakértői Iroda Kft.
and consists in full whole one's under copyright, of which the proprietor reserves all rights!
The proprietor's preliminary written permit necessary onto the any kind of use of the software differing from the stipulated in a contract ones (pl.: realization, multiplication, processing, translations, into electronics data-processing systems happening filling and in them truth processing, and any kind of web you are local area network onto a waiter — including all Internet and corporate servers — happening setup and on them/from them truth running, ect.)
The law being about the copyrights and the violation of his related provisions bring about a severe punishment!
GépjárműTechnika Műszaki Szakértői Iroda Kft.
8900 Zalaegerszeg
Hock János u. 1.
Phone: +36 92 511-415; Phone/Fax: +36 92 511-058
Zalaegerszeg — Nagykanizsa — Keszthely
Phone/Fax: +36 92 511-058
Seine Arbeit wünschen wir viele Erfolge!
GépjárműTechnika Műszaki Szakértői Iroda Kft.
Zalaegerszeg, 2018-03-15
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